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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The ultimate meaning of life is to embrace that which compels you to act in spite of fear.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

The Morkie

In anticipation of the election, I've been reading about the parties and their platforms. All that stuff. I'm too tired of it tonight to post any thoughts on the matter. Not that my blog is terribly political anyway. No, I've decided to keep my subject matter small in scope.

Our Morkie (I've discovered they're called) will look something like this:

Except ours will have white markings instead of brown ones. My partner Louise says he has a sturdy and determined look about him. (Our politicians try to appear this way.) Now we just have to decide what to call him. I'm sure we'll come up with a name for the wee pup when we pick him up in a week. I'm starting to warm to the idea of a little hair ball watching me while I work at my computer. Maybe I'll even get used to scooping poop (as much as I hate poo). Yeah, you could say I'm looking forward to next weekend.

Now, I'm not sure if we Canadians will have a new government by next weekend, but here in our house, we will have a new member of the family... who will proudly poo in the back yard...

But then, so do many politicians. Maybe I didn't have to blog about the election after all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH Your Morkie is adorable!!!We have been searching all over for a cute little Morkie. Would you mind telling us where you found him? Please, if you don't can email us with the info.

6:13 PM  

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